* Print Sight Tapes * Select Shafts * Model Bow Performance
Setup - Arrow Configuration

The Arrow Configuration Tab on the Main Form provides you with the ability to define your arrow so the program can accurately calculate Arrow Weight and Arrow Drag. Both of these factors are important for generating accurate sight settings.

Shaft Details

This Tab allows you to select the Arrow Type & Size from a database of over 400 shafts and growing each year. When you select the Manufacturer, Model & Size, Archer's Advantage will calculate your Arrow Weight based on the Arrow Length defined on the Shaft Details Tab and the other Accessories available on the Arrow Configuration Tab. If the calculated weight does not match your measured weight, you can tweak your point weight to match your measured weight.


Point Details

This Tab allows you to enter the Point Weight and Point Adapter Weight or select the appropriate Point Adapter from a database. If your Point Adapter is not listed in the database, select Generic and enter the measured weight in the appropriate text box.


Nock Details

This Tab allows you to enter the Nock Weight and Nock Adapter Weight or select the appropriate Nock or Nock Adapter from a database. If your Nock or Nock Adapter is not listed in the database, select Generic and enter the measured weight in the appropriate text box.


Fletch Details

This Tab allows you to select the Fletch Type and Size from a database or when not listed in the database, enter a Generic Fletch Type & Length. The Fletch Type has significant impact on the Drag of the Arrow which makes proper selection of the Fletch Type important for the accuracy of your sight tapes.


Arrow Wrap

This tab allows you to specify Type & Size of Arrow Wrap for increased accuracy of the Calculated Weight of your Arrow. If you do not use Arrow Wrap on your shafts, select None.

Over 30 World Champions rely on Archer's Advantage for their sight settings. The sight on the right shows a typical Archer's Advantage Sight Tape while the sight on the left shows a set of penciled in marks.

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