* Print Sight Tapes * Select Shafts * Model Bow Performance

The Trajectory Tab displays the trajectory of your arrow for any selected range. The trajectory is displayed from 0 Yards/Meters through 10 Yards/Meters beyond the selected range. 

You can also select McKenzie Targets, NFAA Field/Hunter Faces, FITA Field Faces, or enter a custom Spot Size. Once you have selected the Target Type, Size and desired Scoring Area, Archer's Advantage will report the minimum range that you can expect to hit the selected Scoring Area and the maximum range that you can expect to hit the Scoring Area for a given range.

Over 30 World Champions rely on Archer's Advantage for their sight settings. The sight on the right shows a typical Archer's Advantage Sight Tape while the sight on the left shows a set of penciled in marks.

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