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Uphill - Downhill

This Tab shows you how to adjust for Uphill/Downhill shots. You can select any range between 1 and 100 yards/meters and any angle between -80 Degrees and +80 Degrees.


When you select a range or angle, Archer's Advantage performs a complex set of calculations to determine the effects of the uphill/downhill angle on your arrow drop. At most ranges and angles you take off for both uphill & downhill shots. However, at longer ranges with a shallow uphill angle, you may need to add a little for uphill shots. You can visit the Uphill-Downhill Tutorial for a detailed theory for the methods used by the program for calculating cut charts.


  • Slant Range: This is the measured range to the target. When you enter a new slant range, Archer's Advantage will calculate the correct range to set your sight for the given angle. Miss Distance, this is the amount your arrow would miss the center of the target if you were to set your sight for the measured range.


  • Horizontal Range: This is how far away the target would be if the target were level with you. Many archers believe that the is the correct range to set your sight for on uphill/downhill shots. As you can see from the Miss Distance reading below the Horizontal Range this is generally not the correct range to set your sight for on uphill/downhill targets.


  • Adjusted Range: This is the range you should set your sight for on uphill/downhill shots.
Over 30 World Champions rely on Archer's Advantage for their sight settings. The sight on the right shows a typical Archer's Advantage Sight Tape while the sight on the left shows a set of penciled in marks.

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